Highlights Past Highlights
Social Networking24/11/11

Get Out and Visit24/02/13
February is Visit Month!

OK, OK ... I made that up. But take a look around you at your club. Where are the people? The snow birds have already left, others are taking a well-deserved 2 week vacations in the sun and the cold season has reduced attendance even more.
Some smaller clubs will find it hard to form two squares ... or sometimes even one square. You know what's better than having 6 or 7 dancers sitting out during a tip? YOU! Yes you ... visiting a club could perhaps be what's needed to complete a full square.
So don't make a liar out of me. Let's make February your time to visit another club. Phone ahead or just drop in. They'll be happy to see you and you'll be glad you did.
Any questions? ... shouldn't be. Just get out and visit!
EOSARA Updates Constitution and Bylaws24/01/31
Rewrite to accommodate new requirements

It's been a long time since 1979 when EOSARDA was first incorporated in Ontario. Since then, our constitution and by-laws have been revised periodically -- the last by-law revision was in 2003. Legislation governing not-for-profit organizations in Ontario has changed recently requiring EOSARDA to review and update its by-laws. Your Board of Directors has completed that work and the November 2023 Council of Dancers meeting approved the amendment.
The amended by-laws meet the standard required by the new legislation and incorporate our former constitution and by-laws into a single document, now called our by-laws. The by-laws also reflect better the way EOSARDA operates while providing greater flexibility in the way we conduct business.
You can find the amended by-laws on this site under the "Associations" menu or directly by clicking here More details can be found in an EOSARDA Bulletin about the new by-laws.
Any questions relating to the amended by-laws should be directed to Secretary@EOSARDA.ca
Join the SwingIntoSpring Committee23/07/08
More Horsepower needed!

"(Help). I need somebody". Like the Beatles, the Swing Into Spring committee needs some help ... specifically more committee members if the dance weekend is going to continue into the future. For such a major dance, it is unrealistic to expect 2 or 3 individuals to be able to organize an entire weekend event like Swing Into Spring -- but with more helpers, the workload can be shared and become manageable!
Do you have a bit of time to help out?
Committee meetings are few and far between (and conducted online, so there’s no travel required).
We need committee members to help with:
- determining the dance programme
- locating high-quality dance leaders
- advertising the event
AND volunteers to help with:
- setting up the dance areas before the event and clearing up again after the weekend is over
- helping during the event

Swing Into Spring 2024 is still a way off but the committee needs you on board now. If you are willing to contribute even a small amount of your time to support dancers in our area, please contact secretary@SwingintoSpring.ca or contact one of the current committee members.
Square Dancing is Fun